Loloi "Alfombra de área Bright Shag de Barcelona Collection, 5 pies 2 pulgadas por 7 pies 6 pulgadas, fuego"

The contemporary line is made in egypt of polypropylene and polyester for just a touch of shimmer | Machine-made shag at a great value | Four designs in all include two solid styles, a playful rainbow design, and dramatic fire pattern

MPN: BARCBS-02FI005277  UPC: 0738676000832  Listing: C0BDC8D890

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The contemporary line is made in egypt of polypropylene and polyester for just a touch of shimmer | Machine-made shag at a great value | Four designs in all include two solid styles, a playful rainbow design, and dramatic fire pattern
LOLOI RUGS is a globally diversified manufacturer and fashion leader in area rugs. Under the expert direction of 30-year area rug veteran Amir Loloi, the company has a 360-degree view of style, value and service. This global advantage informs LOLOI's decisions on texture, design and color, as well as its vision for what's next. At the core of every LOLOI design hums the artistry and history of ancient rug making. The company's medium- to high-end area rugs in every style category and construction are directly manufactured in China, India, Pakistan, Egypt, and Turkey, for a breadth of products as varied as the countries in which they are meticulously crafted. This diversity gives LOLOI unique insight into all that is new, fresh and desirable for the consumer. Loloi's tagline remains its driving force-and its promise to its customers:Texture- it forms the soul and character of a rug. Design- it reveals a rug's personality. Color- it makes Texture and Design come to life with energy and passion. It is just that passion and energy that have helped make LOLOI RUGS a multiple, nationally award-winning producer of quality, salable area...

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05/05/2024 19:23:57 [WSPGFADD4137723EBA5D80FF] [DM-N]